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Learning in Depth with a U3A Mini Series

Several times throughout the year U3A brings in a guest lecturer to run a mini series.  An example of a recent lecture series is below.

Usually, on a Monday, over a period of three or four weeks the lectures run for 90 minutes.  It is a casual and friendly format with a question time at the end.  Class size is limited to 35 so early registration is recommended. You must be a current U3A member to attend and there is a small registration fee.

If you would like to become a U3A member and join our mailing list to be notified when the next Mini Series is available then click the button below.

An Exploration of Death - Monday 19th, 26th August and 2nd September 2024

This series of three lectures will explore the phenomena of death both historically and from various thematic angles in an attempt to elucidate and comment on the thing that we all have to confront and do once in our lives.

An Exploration of Death

Not too long ago, sex used to be the great taboo, while death was freely referred to and discussed. More recently the situation has reversed with death becoming the new taboo, spoken about, if ever, in hushed tones and surrounded with protective euphemisms. However, this is beginning to change again, with the subject of mortality becoming a topic of conversation in a more open and candid manner.

This series of three lectures will explore the phenomena of death both historically and from various thematic angles in an attempt to elucidate and comment on the thing that we all have to confront and do once in our lives.

Lecture 1

How has religion evolved to provide comfort and hope in response to death? What has happened to Heaven and Hell in the process, particularly in the modern era?

Lecture 2

Western philosophy has had an “on again off again” affair in its dealing with the subject of death. Today it is an issue seldom canvased in the discipline. Its place has been taken over by talk of near-death experiences and other paranormal marvels.

Lecture 3

The arts: painting, literature, music and film have each, in their own medium, explored the theme of death. We will cover everything from Dante to Dali, Bob Dylan to Monty Python and back to get a humanities perspective on the subject.  

Peter Dornauf - Lecturer

Peter Dornauf (MA, Dip Tchg) has taught in secondary schools, Wintec and Waikato University collectively for over 25 years. He is a well known Waikato artist, art critic and a writer of poetry, fiction and non-fiction and general academic.  Peter presents lectures on art and architecture, philosophy and literature.  His talks always draw on his broad knowledge of the classics and history, legends and literature.  Peter is able to make the most complex ideas accessible and his lectures are always stimulating and thought provoking.


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